Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coming out...of the box!

First post! Woot! This blog is not about me coming out. I'm about as straight as it gets, however, it is about challenging Christians to think about what they believe. My goal is to get myself and others to let God out of the box that we have put Him in.
It's a small box really. It's made out of preconceived notions of who God is. So God. He's real, you should believe in Him. He sent His Son to be born of a virgin of all things, to live a pure, holy life for us, and to die for us. Yup, Jesus, God's Son, paid the ultimate sacrifice. Now that's not too hard to believe is it? Well, actually it is.
For me most days, it's easier to believe that Darth Vader will randomly appear than it is for me to believe what exactly happened on the cross. I'm not just talking about the act in itself. I'm talking about what it means for me. And really, I don't know.
I know that since I believe in what Jesus did that I am going to heaven. I know that He made it so that what I've done in the past and future wouldn't count against me. I know these things. What comes after salvation? What next? Isn't there a seriously long list of rules that exist today thanks to our culture?
The above paragraph is what this blog is about. It will ramble for seemingly pointless topics where I repeat myself over and over again. It will seem sacriligious and rude. It may even seem rebellious like I don't believe.
Have not doubt about this, at the end of the day, I am back where I His feet.

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