Monday, February 2, 2009

The Fine Line

This will, hopefully, be a rather short post.
It's a very fine line between entertainment and sin. In America, we live for entertainment. Some of it is needed, like time with friends after a long week. Some or rather most of it isn't necessary. I'm finding this out. God is teaching me to be more discerning in my choices of entertainment. I recently learned that what might be okay for other Christians is not okay for me. Like wise, what is okay for me is not okay for other Christians.
My tastes for example, I tend to go more toward the darker-side of entertainment. I enjoy movies that can be dark because I tend to see more light in them than in the other entertainment. I enjoy looking for symbolism and meaning. What can I learn from this movie? What might the director/writer/producer/etc be trying to convey? What kinds of symbols can I find? It's all rather fun. However in my fun, sometimes I find myself watching things that I don't think that my Father would be pleased or proud with me watching. This is hard. Very hard.
So my solution to my dilemma? I'll do my best to be discerning and realize that, at least for me, I walk an extremely fine line.
God has called me to pull a Jesus-that is-being very much out in the world. My ministry isn't necessarily for the church-not to say that I won't minister to those inside. At times, this will look as though I'm sinning, but I'm not. As God uses the Holy Spirit to guide me along this path, I'll learn what I can and cannot partake of. The hard part, as usual, is turning my back on those things that I cannot partake of. I have a few examples at the moment like most of my video games, a few Cd's I own, and a couple of movies.
Christ never said that following Him would be easy. I'd rather do it His way. As a character in a good book once said-sometimes we have to choose what is right and what is easy. It would be easy for me to give into my every whim and I have recently. With God's grace, I'll stop doing that.
So much for a short post. :P